Territorial Food Workshops : Tools to Ensure Sustainability of Ties Between Territory, Food Supply Chain and Tourism

Anne Rollet, Selma Tozanli


This paper aims to identify “Initiatives to reduce the distances between food and consumer” by characterising the two main types of food initiatives carried by the upstream and downstream vision of the food chain. To understand the different dynamics at work, the authors adopt an interdisciplinarity vision crossing sociological approach and strategy by using food as a vector of learning promoting social and professional inclusion. This methodological approach helps to better analyse the role of territorial food workshops as pull factor to attract the people visiting the territory within the framework of food ecotourism. The presentation of local food chain by apprenticeship of eco-tourists and the promotion of the local food via these tourists’ networks is discussed through an interdisciplinary methodology using the interactions between sociological and meta-organisational (strategic management) approaches.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18461/pfsd.2023.2313

ISSN 2194-511X


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